FE Guild Project Consultation Response
The Policy Consortium’s responses to the FE Guild Consultation Project, undertaken by the AoC and partner organisations.
The new Guild for Further Education must be a truly representative professional body serving all the nation’s education and training needs and not just a coalition of existing interest groups that are too often seen by politicians and the public as self-serving and in conflict. How this can be achieved in the absurdly short time allotted by ministers is the subject of this Policy Consortium analysis and response to initial steering group consultations.
We highlight the key issues – from governance, leadership and management to teacher professional development and to learner support – and ask where the money and wherewithal will come from to sustain such a guild. Indeed should it be called a “guild” – a term historically rooted in employer domination and the creation of cartels – or something else?
Our response points to the essential qualities such an organisation must have as a much-needed independent, sector-owned organisation that
- embodies specialist knowledge and skill developed and passed on over time,
- is held in high public esteem, and
- is free from political interference.
Here are our main response submitted in February 2013 [DOCX] and our earlier initial response submitted in January 2013 [PDF].
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