Tricia Hartley

Tricai HartleyTricia Hartley has 20 years’ experience in education policy work, covering practice in schools, colleges, workplace and the community. She recently retired as the Campaign for Learning’s Chief Executive, a post she held since 2006. As CE of CfL Tricia has contributed to a wide range of print media, with a regular column for Training Journal and frequent articles in the Basic Skills Bulletin, as well as appearances on radio and television including Radio 4 ‘The World Today’ and Teachers TV.

She currently has a part-time role at CfL, as lead adviser on workplace and national partnerships, helping to develop the Campaign’s role as a ‘thought leader’ in workplace learning. She is also helping build its strategic relationships, leading on European and national projects, chairing and contributing to policy events and helping organisations deliver high quality learning experiences to their employees.

For two years, she was Lifelong Learning Manager for Blackburn and Darwen Borough Council, with her team winning the LGA’s national ‘Top Team’ award. Before that, after five years’ teaching in schools, she spent 16 years at Nelson and Colne College, ultimately working as Community Development Manager, with responsibility for the College’s community partnerships, which were judged outstanding by Ofsted. Tricia is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.