More plumbing, less Pilates
Walt Disney must be spinning in his grave. After all, what harm has Mickey Mouse ever done to anyone? No, I can’t think of anything either, and the last time I looked Disney was making over $33 billion a year …
Walt Disney must be spinning in his grave. After all, what harm has Mickey Mouse ever done to anyone? No, I can’t think of anything either, and the last time I looked Disney was making over $33 billion a year …
Peter Davies, Mick Fletcher and Maggie Greenwood discuss the case for HE in FE under the new fees regime This paper considers how impending Government changes to the funding and fee arrangements for higher education (HE) may affect further education …
Cloud with a silver lining? HE in FE colleges under the new fees regime Read more »
When a consortium of public-sector and voluntary organisations in the North East bid to host and help run a range of local services from libraries to Jobcentre Plus, it looked the perfect model of what Prime Minister David Cameron came …
Big Society or Big Business? Is there a future for the voluntary sector? Read more »
Andrew Morris explores the implications of an experiment in informal science education could have profound implications not only for adult education but also for the school curriculum and pedagogy and for promoting the public understanding of science. Discussion groups have …
The Wolf Report on vocational education for 14–19 year olds could prove to be one of those rare documents that marks a real turning of the tide – the point at which one educational orthodoxy starts to crumble and another …
The Wolf Report on vocational education – unanswered questions Read more »
The Policy Consortium’s responses to the FE Guild Consultation Project, undertaken by the AoC and partner organisations. The new Guild for Further Education must be a truly representative professional body serving all the nation’s education and training needs and not just …